Monday 24th February – Friday 4th April 2025
Tuesday 22nd April - Friday 23rd May 2025
Bunny Bounce fundraiser
Our annual ‘Bunny Bounce’ fundraiser will be held during the week of the 31st March 2025.
Sponsorship forms will be sent out shortly and we kindly ask they are returned by Friday 28th March ahead of the event.
Pre-School Parent/Keyworker meetings
Ten-minute appointments will be available from 9am, to discuss your child’s development and share with you their achievements and next steps in learning.
Pre-School will be closed on this morning. A few toys will be available to keep any children occupied whilst parents talk to their child’s keyworker.
Should you like an appointment, please see your child’s keyworker or message pre-school privately to arrange a time that is convenient.
Parents are asked to wait outside prior to their allocated time.
This year’s Mop End trip will be on Friday 2nd May, at a cost of £10 per child. This outing is open to all children and further details will be given shortly.
Please note there will be no afternoon session on this day.
The Pre-School Parent/Keyworker meetings will take place on Wednesday 26th March.
Ten-minute appointments will be available from 9 am, to discuss your child’s development and share with you their achievements and next steps in learning.
Pre-School will be closed on this morning.
A few toys will be available to keep any children occupied whilst parents talk to their child’s keyworker.
Should you like an appointment please see your child’s keyworker or message pre-school privately to arrange a time that is convenient.
World Book Day
Children are welcome to come dressed as a character from their favourite book and can bring along their favourite book to read with their keyworker or share with the group.
National Chocolate Cake Day……. Yummy!!
Deadline for Primary School applications for those children due to start school in September 2025. Parents can apply online at
Christmas Production and Party (Morning session only)
Children are welcome to wear Christmas attire should they wish.
Arrangements - All children are asked to arrive at 9.30am. Staff will assist with toileting before the production and parents/carers will be invited to take their seats to start at 9.45am. The production is very short and will end around 10am at which point Parents/carers can leave. This year’s production will then be followed by our
Christmas party for all children.
Please note that this is a morning session only and we ask that all children are collected between 12-12.15pm.
Christmas Jumper Day.
Donations via charity website
The post box will be out from Monday 9th December so that the children can post their cards to each other. This will be emptied, and cards will be distributed and placed in the children’s Christmas folders. To assist with Christmas card writing, a list of children and staff names have been sent out.
Last posting date Wednesday 18th December.
The photographer will be at Pre-School on Tuesday 19th November from 9.15am.
Children who attend a Tuesday will have their photos taken throughout the morning session. All other pre-school children or those with siblings are welcome to book a photoshoot appointment, please speak to Mrs Terry or Mrs Boothroyd to arrange a convenient time. These will make great Christmas presents!
Children in Need.
Optional themed dress up. Donations via charity website
Christmas Cards - deadline for orders
Each year the children design a piece of Christmas art at Pre-School, which can then be turned into Christmas cards. These are great to send out to family and also a lovely keepsake. The artwork will be sent off shortly for scanning.
This should be available to view and order soon.
Grandparents week.
During the week of the 14th October, we would like to invite any of the children’s grandparents to spend some time in pre-school. This will be throughout the week and grandparents are welcome to join us from 9.30 - 10.15am. Should anyone wish to visit, please speak to a member of the team so that a day can be arranged.
In celebration of this event, pre-school would like to create a display board and therefore kindly ask if parents could provide some photographs of the children’s families/grandparents that can be used. If any families have difficulty printing, please could we ask that photographs are uploaded to tapestry so that we can print for you.
We appreciate that not all children will have grandparents that are able to visit and therefore another family member would be welcome to join us should they wish.
School Leavers picnic
We will be holding a small picnic for the children who leave us, to commemorate their time spent with us at pre-school. Unfortunately, this will be for our ‘Reception school leavers’ only and kindly ask that all other children are collected by 12.15pm on Wednesday 17th July (Last day of term)
For those children leaving to go to school, we will hold a picnic between 12.15 -1.30pm.
Those children will need to bring in their lunchbox and we are hoping to all come together as one group for the last time. School leavers parents are invited to attend from 1.15pm for a short presentation with the session ending at 1.30pm.
All these children are invited to pre-school for the whole morning session. Please confirm if your child will be attending.
Primary schools transition day
We are very much looking forward to our trip to Mop End on Friday 28th June at a cost of £8 per child.
Parents will be requested to drop and pick up at Mop End on this day.
Please note that for this trip to be successful we will require plenty of parental support as we will need to work on staff/child ratio 1:2.
There will be no Friday afternoon session on this day. Please see a member of staff if you have any queries.
We have booked a photographer to come to pre-school on Tuesday 14th May to capture pre-schools whole group photograph. This can then be purchased at a cost of £10. No individual photos will be taken at this time.
All children are welcome to join us for the photo.
Please could we ask that children who do not attend this session arrive promptly at 9.30am with their best smiley faces! An adult will need to remain with their child, once the photograph has been taken you will be free to take your child home again.
During w/c 11th March, our theme is going to be looking at ‘My Family’. Please could we ask parents to support pre-school and complete the sheet that has been sent home with the children, providing information on family members, job roles and attach a family photograph if possible. Many Thanks!