Staff arrive to set out the equipment for the morning following a play-plan which allows the children to access all learning areas.
Main door opens at 9:15 and the children and their parents/carers are welcomed into the hall.
The main door is locked at 9:30. The bell is rung and the children sit together on the mat. All staff and helpers will begin by saying 'good morning'. The register is then taken and 1 child - who is chosen on a rotation basis - will help to identify the day of the week and weather. Free-play then follows.
At 10:40 the children are given a drink of milk and a healthy snack, which extends and expands their tastes. We encourage parents to supply their child with a drink of water in a named bottle or flask each morning, which they are free to access when thirsty. The children then return to play.
The children will be given a short warning that the toys are going away and then everyone is encouraged to join in tidying up the table-top activities into the boxes.
We aim to take the children outside to play each day in either the garden or the play area to the side of the building. Upon returning to the hall, the children will listen to stories and songs while sat on the mat.
Between 12 - 12:15, children are collected by their parent/carer.